Sun announces a new scripting language targeted at the mobile devices market. Below is a summary of Sun’s press release, for the entire press release click here.
A new scripting language, JavaFX Script gives Java developers the power to quickly create content-rich applications for the widest variety of clients, including mobile devices, set-top boxes, desktops, even Blu-ray discs. Content creators now have a simple way to develop content for any Java Powered consumer device.
* JavaFX allows content creators to create rich media content without relying on developers, including drag and drop of desktop and mobile content to the desktop, something that is not possible in any other RIA.
* JavaFX Script offers a close integration with other Java components (applications and infrastructure) running on server and client platforms, enabling a rich end-to-end experience for developers and users.
* JavaFX Script takes advantage of the Java security model so consumers can securely access assets (e.g., pictures, music files, word documents) on their desktop.