Oracle’s plans for OpenSolaris

Posted by Bill Bradford on Feb 26, 2010

Peter Tribble has some notes from the OpenSolaris Annual Meeting.

Oracle will continue to make OpenSolaris available as open source, and Oracle will continue to actively support and participate in the community.

Oracle will also continue to deliver OpenSolaris releases, including the upcoming OpenSolaris 2010.03 release.

Oracle is investing more in Solaris than Sun did prior to the acquisition, and will continue to contribute technologies to OpenSolaris, as Oracle already does for many other open source projects.

Now mirroring the Sun-1 Archive

Posted by Bill Bradford on Feb 24, 2010

SunHELP is now proud to host a mirror of Eric Rucker’s Sun-1 Archive: “Documents, images, and files published by Stanford University, VLSI Systems, and Sun Microsystems relating to the Sun-1 workstation and predecessor designs.”

Stories of the “Good Old Days”

Posted by Bill Bradford on Feb 17, 2010

Nancy Hauge has a collection of great stories about the early days of Sun Microsystems up at her blog, Consulting Adult.

New site going up for orphaned Sun projects

Posted by Bill Bradford on Feb 5, 2010

Thanks to Izumo S. for sending in this item.

A new website devoted to Sun Labs projects being jettisoned by Oracle (or soon-to-be-jettisoned) and their users and researchers will start up this weekend. “Red Giant Phase” is now accepting members (free) and has groups for Project Wonderland, SunSPOT, Darkstar, DReaM, and others.

Discussions about where these projects and their code will go in the future, blogs, and even a *mild defense of Jonathan Schwartz* are on the site.

You can join Red Giant Phase by going to

Sun CEO Tweets his resignation

Posted by Bill Bradford on Feb 4, 2010

Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz has twittered his resignation.

“Today’s my last day at Sun. I’ll miss it. Seems only fitting to end on a #haiku.
Financial crisis/Stalled too many customers/CEO no more”