Sun Open HA Cluster goes open-source

Posted by Mike on Jun 29, 2007

According to this article, Sun will open source its Open HA (High Availability) Cluster code to the OpenSolaris community in three phases and over the next 18 months. By releasing the Open HA Cluster code in stages and over a duration, Sun hopes to duplicate the success of OpenSolaris.

Sun Constellation System

Posted by Mike on Jun 26, 2007

This CNET article contains details regarding Sun Constellation System. Sun’s latest high performance computing (HPC) cluster and the InfiniBand switch is design by Andy Bechtolsheim, which The Register reports in this article. Sun’s official press release is here and an overview of Sun Constellation System (SCS?) is here.

Invitation for Solaris/Linux mashup

Posted by Mike on Jun 13, 2007

According to this article, Linus Torvalds hinted that OpenSolaris might push the Linux kernel to adopt the General Public License version 3 (GPL3). Additionally, Linus has reservation regarding Sun’s sincerity towards open-source software. A copy of Linus’ cynical email is here.

On June 13, Jonathan Schwartz responded to Linus’ reservation with an an invitation for dinner at his house and for the possibility of a Solaris/Linux mashup. More information on Jonathan Schwartz’s invitation is located at his blog and another article from regarding the issue.

Secure Data Retrieval Server (SDRS)

Posted by Mike on Jun 8, 2007

This article detailed Sun launching a new server aiming at telecommunication companies to protect their customer data. The new SDRS includes a Sun Fire x4500 and can stores up to 24 terabytes of storage. The low-profile news release is located here.

ZFS to be default filesystem in Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard”

Posted by Bill Bradford on Jun 6, 2007

According to this MacRumors article, Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz said today that Apple will be making ZFS the default filesystem in the next version of its operating system, superseding HFS+.

The formal announcement is expected next week at the yearly Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in California.

Post-WWDC Update: Apparently Jonathan was misquoted; Apple intends to use ZFS as a “large data store” filesystem but not as the primary filesystem for OSX 10.5.

Sun Blade 6000

Posted by Mike on Jun 6, 2007

The new Sun Blade 6000 can handle SPARC, AMD, and Intel Xeon based server modules. Additionally, to differentiate itself from competitors, Sun is using an industry standard I/O architecture, PCI-Express (similar to the Blade 8000). Furthermore, standard I/O reduces costs for customers versus proprietary I/O solutions, which can cost more than the chassis or the server modules. For full details from Sun, click here. The Register has an article with minor comparison of the Sun Blade 6000 to IBM and HP products. (This is the same blade servers that was spotted on 5/22.)

Sun Studio 12

Posted by Mike on Jun 4, 2007

Sun releases Sun Studio 12, which supports the following compilers and tools: C/C++, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, SQL and Ruby. For more information, visit the Sun Developer Network (SDN) website or simply click here.