Newsgroups: comp.sys.sun.admin From: (Bill Heiser) Subject: Re: booting a 386i without a pnpd. Message-ID: <> Organization: Unixland Public Access Unix (508) 655-3848 References: <> Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1992 17:45:40 GMT Lines: 22 (V{{r{nen Kari) writes: >If you don't want to keep a 386i as a slave server, you can > a) make your 386i clients boot form a sparc > b) hack the former master's /etc/rc.local -file. Back when 386i's were new, Sun advised that on a heterogeneous network, a *386i* should be the master YP server. Will there been any ill effects if the master is a Sparc/IPX? (maybe it would actually Help, by making YP request responses faster?). I know I'd lose the printcap map ... any other ill effects? I may be swapping a 386i YP master for a Sparc, but want to be sure first that it won't cause problems. thanks, bill -- ESIX Mailing List Moderator Public Access UNIX/USENET/E-MAIL! UUCP Accounts Available! (508) 655-3848 5 lines - Located in Natick, MA USA Supporting V.32/PEP/V.42bis, etc.